Cross-Walked Geofence DB
Download a collection of cleaned, pre-processed data sets derived from political geofences in the United States. This rich data contains polygon geometry, which we have cross referenced (cross-walked) using the following attributes:
- States
- Counties
- Census Tract
- Zip Codes
- Places (localities)
- Census Block Groups
This is a complex, many-to-many relationship, joining any combination of attributes you'd like to combine. For example, the Census Block Group data includes data from all the other layers, like CSA name and fips code or zip code. Additional metadata is included, such as area type (rural or urban), neighborhoods and DMA.
We have included the polygon and cross-walked data on a GeoJSON file for each layer. As well, a CSV file of the processed, cross-walked data is also included.
Click on any feature on the map to see the contextual data.
Package Size
275 MB